Weston’s first viewing.

The new @WeWork Commerce in #FortWorth opened today and they did a great job. Overlooking Sundance Square, It’s nice to have the studio be downtown funkytown.
Everyone distracted by streaming services, device share, social dominance, etc.. is forgetting that Bezos now owns their corporate bathroom’s share of wallet too.

I don’t know what this is trying to say, but I do know it is indicative of the decline of the movie theater.

Of course the kids got their photos too…

Her last invitation didn’t have a Google “meet” link, and Bethany didn’t change settings. It has a business feel, and seems to have shown up after the @zoom_us IPO. Google getting nervous?

Ending Robocalls. Game changer right here. My phone rings 1/10 of the time now. And I can see who it doesn’t let through.
RoboKiller: Spam Call Blocker by TelTech Systems

In the news of things no one wants:
Facebook is working on a voice assistant to rival the likes of Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and the Google Assistant, according to several people familiar with the matter.
Facebook is working on a voice assistant to rival Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri

The first three episodes of our new business podcast Dialog . fm have dropped. Check them out and let me know what you think? #conversationalmarketing

It’s GoT Time.

Texas. Home.

Interesting that this suggestion is from 2011. I wonder if Jack read it then.
Twitter, 140 characters: Why the microblogging service should expand to 280 characters per message

The new podcasts ( and deep thoughts) are now Spotified.
YouTube TV isn’t grandfathering the early customers in (I’ve been sitting at an early price of 35 and the current plan has been 40.) Now it’s 45. It would be cool of YouTube to leave the 5 dollar discount in for me as long as I don’t cancel. It might even help with retention. Now, with no price loyalty, I can go lookin’ again.
Deep Thoughts #2 just released. Are you subscribed yet? It’s the new weekly email you can’t miss.
If you find the typo, I’ll do the Macarena.

As scary as this sounds… it actually doesn’t sound that far off from where we are headed.
#judgementday #t1000
The Next Battlefield: Connected, Augmented and Urban

Here is a picture of me in a hat with my son and it is his hat and he wants it back like pretty much as soon as I’m done.

Swipe my Alfred Workflow for Drafts for Mac - Drafts for Mac - Drafts Community If you’ve just gotten Drafts for Mac and also use Alfred, you might like this.