
    Harper always helps us keep our year end books from being a mess. #beancounter #harpershashtag

    Happy New Year from the Handy Family. #2017 #harpershashtag

    Fireworks at “midnight” #harpershashtag

    Waiting for Santa. #harpershashtag

    Behold @handybethany & #harpershashtag: Captains of Christmas

    Pictured here is #harpershashtag and I, about to conquer the world. All you need is a clipboard. Photo credit: @handybethany

    handybethany & #harpershashtag light the tree.

    Rudolph with @handybethany and #harpershashtag

    Cheese. #harpershashtag

    The thought bubble says, “I’ve got an idea so crazy that it just might work.” #harpershashtag

    Harper prefers organic, even when she throws caution to the wind. #recklessabandon #doyouhaveorganicthough #harpershashtag

    We’re BOTH so demonstrably excited WE can barely contain OURSELVES. #harpershashtag

    “There is so much bad in the world… and then there is Harper.” - @handybethany on #harpershashtag

    This pony’s name is Cowboy. #harpershashtag


    I hung out with Princess Jordi LaForge yesterday. #harpershashtag

    #harpershashtag and I sharing a moment of shock and aww.

    Nobody knows me like my babe(s). I got home on a late flight from being out of town all week the other day. There is nothing I would have wanted more than to give them both a hug. Knowing I couldn’t have that so far after bedtime, my girls knew that the second best thing I would want would be a tall glass of cold water. #harpershashtag and @handybethany are the tops.

    I think I’m getting the hang of this Pokemon game. Got two in a row on our morning walk with @handybethany and #harpershashtag


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