Forget Waldo, Where’s Harper? #harpershashtag

#harpershashtag #llarythellama #handynewyears

#harpershashtag #dearsanta

#harpershashtag Holiday Reading

Already preparing for her first visit from Santa. #harpershashtag

#harpershashtag #cousins


#harpershashtag #handyhalloween



It was so good to see you @_abby. #harpershashtag was delighted to meet you.


#chickenbomb #harpershashtag

Sunday Funday Brunch Aftermath #harpershashtag

Harper and GG (her great grandmother) #harpershashtag

#rosebud #citizenkane #harpershashtag


That’s one smart lady. #harpershashtag

I went with the Mario mustache as the present I gave Bethany for my birthday. Harper likes it! #harpershashtag

Birthday gift from Harper. #harpershashtag