Anyone in product needs to consider this and how these segments apply to their own customers. B2B, B2C, B2C2B or any other acronym.

“As a 31-year veteran of IKEA%2C Tony Giacona describes three typical Ikea shoppers this way:

“The planned customer”: The people who know what they want and come in with a list.

“The experience couple”: The people who are coming in and want to “be amazed” and touch%2C feel and explore to get inspiration.

“The online customer”: They’ve done their homework but “now they want to spend some time interacting%2C to have some meatballs%2C make sure they want to validate their decision online%2C” where they’ll likely complete the purchase and get things delivered. “

Now apply this to your own business. Is it really that different? Really?

Read more: IKEA opening new small-format stores across U.S. ➚