
    A penny saved is a penny earned.

    A penny invested in providing value to your customers earns you 3:1 LTV:CAC.

    #productmarketing #saas

    Yesterday was a rare day. Not that many meetings. But my calendar was still full of things that are important to me. If you don’t prioritize your personal priorities, are they even priorities?

    Take a walk. Networking. Giving yourself permission to actually take a lunch. Proactively sharing your project status. These are the foundation for being able to do the work in the gaps there.

    Sometimes Product Marketing is communicating simplicity, and setting expectations on how long setup will take.

    I love this touch in the @Sonos app.

    I imagine that it increases conversion to completing that action.

    Next-level copywriting.

    Microcopy adds so much to the experience and is so often overlooked. #wedontneedroads

    Growth Hacking gone wrong.

    “Get the GoToWebinar app to add it to your calendar”

    I imagine putting the “add to calendar” behind the app reduces show rates for webinars and hurting their paying customers and the prospective attendees.


    Curriculum looks like:

    • Make the Logo Bigger 101
    • Advanced Clip Art
    • How to Ignore Kerning Minimester

    Lazy Sunday so far. I’m trying to learn to recharge and slow down every now and then.

    Make sure the Wet Bandits are accounted for.

    Resolutions don’t have to start on January 1st.

    They can, but resolve means nothing without commitment.

    Any DisneyWorld tips?

    Sunset tonight in Fort Worth, TX.

    Do you put stickers on your device?

    A prison of our own making.

    Why did we do this to ourselves?

    When do we bust out?

    Shoutout to all the other inmates of cell block “Elf on a Shelf”.

    Hangin with the big guy. AMA.

    I had never seen this setting before in Zoom. Allow others to advance slides in Keynote & Powerpoint. Could be a gamechanger for team meetings, webinars, and all-hands. (But where are Google Slides?)

    What would you choose?

    Cold Calling Finally Dead For Real

    Why do we think this is and what are the implications for go-to-market teams?

    The reality is that if you aren’t in a person’s contacts, your call is likely not getting answered.

    We’ve talked for a long time about cold calling being less effective and this is a great example of how other industries are looking to adapt.

    How should we as marketers and sales pros adapt? Build relationships. Get in their contacts list. Be a wanted call, instead of an unwanted call.

    Find the channel they want to speak with you on, but don’t just spam through every channel. In the end, an unwanted message on any platform is likely getting ignored.

    If the question is “Does my internal presentation have enough GIFs?”…

    The answer is probably not.

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