🤔 How much company business communication do you think gets done over iMessage or WhatsApp as opposed to email (or even @Slack)?

I found Drogon.

Well, I’m not halfway through my first article of the day and I can’t figure out how to X out your pop up, The New Yorker. So I am afraid for that reason, I must reject your offer, with no qualms!

This is shaping up to be a must-listen episode of The Knowledge Project.

Dear diary, Went to the Zoo tonight. Met an emu and a few giraffes. Hung with an 80’s hair band and I also saw a gator from a distance.

Behind every warning sign, there is a story. This one sounds like it was written by David Allan Coe.

(at the dealer service department in Fort Worth, TX.)

So many scary things in the world. But this is way up there… The president is clearly building an email marketing list of scorned people that actively declare extreme views… to whom he can segment by bias/emotion and call to action when he needs, out of public view.

➚ The White House launches tool to report censorship on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter - The Verge

“The tool, which is hosted on Typeform, asks users for screenshots and links of the offending content, and provides a text field where users can describe the enforcement actions taken against them. The user is also asked to choose between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube or “other” as the platform where the offense took place. (Facebook and Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)

The tool also collects significant personal information from the user, and near the end invites users to opt into email newsletters from President Trump, “so we can update you without relying on platforms like Facebook and Twitter.” A separate question points users to an extensive user agreement, and makes clear that “you understand this form is for information gathering only.”“

Read more: White House launches tool to report censorship on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter - The Verge ➚

➚ nothing new in the world

Wisdom in this post by @nickusborne.

“Most of the “new” copywriting and marketing techniques are little more than old techniques with fresh coats of paint.“

Read more: How to Keep Your Copywriting Skills Fresh - Copyblogger ➚

Mark Schaefer on your corporate progress ➚ Being normal is not a point of differentiation

Great stuff from the Schaef here. No one cares about your ability to not be terrible. As consumers, we expect that to be tablestakes.

“What we really want is to see you.

Come into our city. Show up in our meetings, in our neighborhoods, in our celebrations. Make a difference in a way that is tangible and believable.

Today, you can’t just promote your progress. Show us. Don’t be in our community. Be of our community.“

Read more: Being normal is not a point of differentiation | Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow} ➚

The Daily Scorecard.

A daily report on the inputs and outputs that lead to success.

I’m making some adjustments to what I’m tracking for my business and it got me thinking.

I need a personal scorecard too.

What inputs and outputs would you track?

I’ve been doing a lot more work from my iPad. Keyboard Shortcuts are the key. The biggest ones?

Cmd-tab to switch apps; space and shift-space to scroll down, and up respectively.

I will be overjoyed when micro.blog supports scrolling with space bar and some of the others.

Weston’s first viewing.


The new @WeWork Commerce in #FortWorth opened today and they did a great job. Overlooking Sundance Square, It’s nice to have the studio be downtown funkytown.


➚ Shane Parrish on How Our Brains Lie Because we love a good story

Our brains are stubborn…

“ Nobel Prize winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman offers an example of how our brains look for, and assume, causality:

“After spending a day exploring beautiful sights in the crowded streets of New York, Jane discovered that her wallet was missing.”

That’s all you get. No background on Jane, or any particulars about where she went. Kahneman presented this miniature story to his test subjects hidden among several other statements. When Kahneman later offered a surprise recall test, “the word pickpocket was more strongly associated with the story than the word sights, even though the latter was actually in the sentence while the former was not.” 1“

Read more on Farman Street: The Lies We Tell ➚

What’s the formula to put my 18 month old to sleep?

Ingredients list:

  • 1 Son
  • 1 Dad
  • 1 Baby Bjorn (laces out)
  • 1/3 of a Record on the Alexa (Repave by Volcano Choir OR Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd)
  • 1 Dad Sway (stopping is forbidden)

Cooking time will vary.

Data is noise. Information is interesting, Knowledge is power. Insight is invaluable.

Everyone distracted by streaming services, device share, social dominance, etc.. is forgetting that Bezos now owns their corporate bathroom’s share of wallet too.

What would we do in the world without hosts at restaurants?

Have you ever been to a restaurant and no one worked the host or hostess stand?

It seemingly takes forever to get anyone’s attention – because everyone’s running around busy doing their jobs.

How to use emoji like Slack in any app on the Mac

If you find yourself looking for an easy way to use emoji on your Mac, you owe yourself a few minutes to check this out.

It makes emoji selection as easy as it is in Slack, but in any app.

“It’s a lot more convenient than tapping Control+Command+Space and the search works much better to boot.“

Get it here: Rocket – the best emoji app for Mac ➚