How do Apple and Twitter introduce features to current customers?

These two in-app prompts are for two very different apps, but they both share one thing in common. They follow the product marketing rule of three. When introducing a feature to customers, you want keep it simple.

“Work from Home” is a bad term.

We all work online. Show me your “home workstation”.

Most work meetings are fleeting, ephemeral wastes of time.

Collaborative documents are long-lasting, and save far more time than they consume.

My secret weapon for copywriting is not an AI that writes copy.

It’s a thesaurus to find simpler words.

Here’s the one I use several times per day. Terminology by a fantastic indie developer in Texas.

Digital-first will be the preference for the next (and most of the current) generation of top talent. While the competition worries about and plans for “the return to the office” you can keep on task gain more ground.

I have decided to pursue 501 days next.

Dad hacks vol 1.

Have a great day!

I don’t even want to know what Facebook looks like right now.

The best way to cold email is to get genuinely and thoughtfully engaged in a community and never email cold.

This email from my daughter’s kindergarten teacher proves that emails to an audience don’t need to be overthought.

The subject line is succinct, but still entices the click, and you can get the gist from the preview text. Clear, compelling, succinct, enticing, entertaining.

I can do 99 more. Might as well.

The truth(s) about webinars.

I’ve run more than 500 🎬 webinars.

Here are some surprising, counterintuitive, and hard-earned truths I’ve learned along the way… 👇

One. They don’t have to be an hour.

Can you pack all the insights into 15 minutes? Do it. People will stick around to ask questions In the Q&A

Two. These people who arrive on time are your best leads.

People like to hear their own name. Welcome everyone by name while you are waiting for everyone to join. No one wants to hear you say, “We’ll get started as soon as some more people join.” and then go off mic. Engage the audience that is there now with questions they can answer in chat.

Three. Your audience CAN read too.

Don’t read bullets from slides. Use the slide notes to reference and keep the slide tidy with an engaging visual. If you can’t deliver it without the bullets on the slides; you aren’t practiced enough.

Four. People actually want to be sold to.

Some folks attending the webinar are actually already on their path to purchase. Help them act faster with a special webinar exclusive offer. They might be here just for that alone.

This is a fantastically well-put together post on 7 steps to hit your 2020 revenue goal via @ethanteng

B2C is all about selling the thing.

B2B is all about selling free starter versions of the thing or meetings to talk about the thing.

Clients meeting with me in Zoom. Excuse the glitter. #dadlife

I miss the old days when we could get together in crowds!


New Home Screen

New Home Screen.